Welcome, One And All,

to 7EveryMinute Podcast 

Share with us what's on your mind :)



Welcome one and all, to 7EveryMinute Podcast

Share with us what's on your mind :)


The website by and for Baby Boomers who are looking for fun information and want to be more than a “target market” commodity.


This website started, well, about 65 years ago! I, you, we, were part of a generation who helped bring about huge positive social changes in the world while (mostly) surviving a number of undeclared wars. We’ve been through a lot, just like every other generation, but unlike most others, the economy has not been kind nor has the job market kept up with our increased longevity.

However, this changing world has given us all amazing opportunities both in where and how we live, how we travel, where and how we can work, how we can play and meet people… the list of positives is nearly endless.

We will be working to bring you information you can use to continue to be comfortable, productive and able to approach retirement more confidently while discovering new opportunities for friendship and adventure.

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